Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Filters a numberissue, or a text list by a given boolean expression.


Available since

Supported list types

Number list

This function filters a number list by a given boolean expression where ^ is used for referencing the current value.

filterByPredicate(numberList, booleanExpression) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

filterByPredicate([1, 2, 3, 4], ^ > 2)

This example returns a number list with values greater than 2 : [3, 4]

filterByPredicate([1, 2, 3, 4], modulus(^, 2) = 0) 

This example returns a number list with even values : [2, 4]

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given number list.

A boolean expression that returns true or false.

^ is used for referencing the current value.

This function returns a

Text list

Variant for text lists. The current value is referenced by ^%.

filterByPredicate(textList, booleanExpression) #Output: Text list

Parser expressionDescription

filterByPredicate(["book", "rose", "sword"], length(^%) > 4)

This example returns a text list with words that have more than 4 characters: ["sword"]

filterByPredicate(["book", "rose", "sword"], ^% in %{00000} OR ^% in %{00001})

This example returns a text list with those words that also appear in the issue's Summary or Description.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given text list.

A boolean expression that returns true or false.

^% is used for referencing the current value.

This function returns a

Issue list

Variant for issue lists.

This function returns an issue list  with issues in l whose cardinality (i.e., the number of times it appears in list l) satisfies the comparison cardinality operator n.

Available comparison operators: =, !=, <, <=, > and >=.

filterByPredicate(issueList, booleanExpression) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription

filterByCardinality(linkedIssues(), >, 1) 

This example returns an issue list with all issues linked to current issue with 2 or more issue links.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

This function returns an