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Style guide

Short description

Filters a number, issue, or a text list by a given logical expression.


Available since

Supported list types

Number list

This function filters a number list by a given logical expression where ^ is used for referencing the current list value.

It basically iterates over each list element, checks whether the logical expression returns true, and if it does, includes the element in the output.

filterByPredicate(numberList, booleanExpression) #Output: Number list

Parser expressionDescription

filterByPredicate([1, 2, 3, 4], ^ > 2)

This example returns a number list with values greater than 2:

[3, 4]

filterByPredicate([1, 2, 3, 4], modulus(^, 2) = 0) 

This example returns a number list with even values:

[2, 4]

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given number list.

A boolean expression that returns true or false.

^ is used for referencing the field codes of the seed issue.

This function returns a

Text list

Variant for text lists. The current list value is referenced by ^%.

filterByPredicate(textList, booleanExpression) #Output: Text list

Parser expressionDescription

filterByPredicate(["book", "rose", "sword"], length(^%) > 4)

This example returns a text list with words that have more than 4 characters:


filterByPredicate(["book", "rose", "sword"], ^% in %{issue.summary} OR ^% in %{issue.description})

This example returns a text list with those words that also appear in the issue's summary or description.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given text list.

A boolean expression that returns true or false.

^% is used for referencing the field codes of the seed issue.

This function returns a

Issue list

Variant for issue lists.

filterByPredicate(issueList, booleanExpression) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription

filterByPredicate(linkedIssues(), ^%{issue.summary} ~ %{issue.summary}) 

This example returns an issue list with linked issues that have the same summary like the current issue.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

filterByPredicate(issuesUnderEpic(), ^%{issue.assignee} = null) 

This example returns an issue list with all unassigned issues under the current epic.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given issue list. Usually this value is retrieved from a function (e.g. linkedIssues() or subtasks()).

A boolean expression that returns true or false.

^% is used for referencing the field codes of the seed issue.

This function returns an

This is one of the most powerful functions in JWT since it combines filtering with boolean or logical expressions

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