Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns true only if all users in the list, groups of the list, and in the roles of the list, are in the project role in the second argument, for the current project.


Available since

This function checks if a user or group of users plays a role in the current project. Argument user_name can also be a comma-separated list of user names, group names or role names. In that case, the function will return true only if all users in the list, groups of the list, and in the roles of the list, are in the project role in the second argument, for the current project.

isInRole(text user_name, text role_name) #Output: Boolean

Parser expressionDescription

isInRole(%{00006}, "Testers")

This example returns true if Reporter is in project role Testers.

%{00006} is field code for Reporter.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

This function returns a

Variant where you can additionally define project_key.

isInRole(text user_name, text role_name, text project_key) #Output: Boolean

Parser expressionDescription

isInRole(%{00020}, "Developers", "CRM")

This example returns true if the Current user is in project role and Developers in project with key "CRM".

%{00020} is field code for Current user.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

Parameter description.

This function returns a