Tech review

Field code


Available since


Additional information for writing valuesThere are 5 ephemeral number fields. These fields are used to hold temporary numeric and date-time values returned by a post-function, which are used as input by another post-function. Once the transition execution has ended, all ephemeral fields are cleared, i.e., these fields can't be used to pass values from one transition to another.
Valid text input
String containing base 10 representation of a number, with dot character (i.e., .) as separator of integer and fractional parts.
Valid numerical input
Integers or real numbers, and also any Date-Time field (Date Picker, Date-Time Picker, Due Date, Created, etc.) which are stored as the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
Example input

To learn more about this writable field, check the following use case:
Example of usage of an ephemeral number field to hold a date value