This validator checks if fields are set/empty or have/haven't changed on the transition screen.


Select the field to be checked, and in a subsequent step the desired behavior. The following options are available:

is requiredThe specified field must have a value. If no value is present, the condition will fail.
must be emptyThe specified field must not have a value. If a value is present, the condition will fail.
must be changedThe specified field must have been updated during the transition / on the transition screen.
must not be changedThe specified field must not have been updated during the transition / on the transition screen.

If you want to use this functionality in a condition instead, have a look at the following condition: Fields required

Use cases and examples

Tech review

Style guide

Short descriptionCheck if fields are set/empty or have/haven't changed on the transition screen.


For more info, visit the following page.