Tech review

Style guide

This type of read-only custom field has a value which is dynamically calculated from a custom math/numeric expression. It can be used to obtain a numeric value depending on the value of other fields in current issue or in any other issues (linked issues, sub-tasks, epics, stories, JQL selected issues, etc).


Math expression

This parameter contains a valid math expression that will be calculated each time the value of the field is required.

Example 1 : Calculated Number Field "Number of Blocking Issues"

In this step by step example we show how to create a calculated number field called "Number of Blocking Issues" that will return the number of unresolved issues, the current issue is linked to "is blocked by" issue link type.

Create a new Calculated Number Field custom field called "Number of Blocking Issues"

Administration > Issues > Custom fields > Add Custom Field > Advanced > Calculated Number Field (by JWT)