Tech review

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This type of read-only custom field has a value which is dynamically calculated from a custom math/numeric expression. It can be used to obtain a numeric value depending on the value of other fields in current issue or in any other issues (linked issues, sub-tasks, epics, stories, JQL selected issues, etc).


Math expression

This parameter contains a valid math expression that will be calculated each time the value of the field is required.

Example 1 : Calculated Number Field "Number of Blocking Issues"

In this step by step example we show how to create a calculated number field called "Number of Blocking Issues" that will return the number of unresolved issues, the current issue is linked to "is blocked by" issue link type.

Create a new Calculated Number Field custom field called "Number of Blocking Issues"

Head over to Administration → Issues

→ Custom fields → Add custom Field → Advanced → Calculated Number field (by JWT)

On the configuration screen of the newly created custom field go to Actions and click on Configure

Click on Edit Math/Time Expression

Configure the field by entering a math/time expression. Learn more about JWT expression parser. After the configuration, click on Save

The math expression used in this example is: count(filterByResolution(linkedIssues("is blocked by"), ""))

Finally, the configuration of the new custom field should look like this:

Example 2: Calculated Number Field "Time to Due Date"

In this example we configure a calculated number field that will show the remaining time for Due Date

We use the following math-time expression: {00012} != null ? max({00012} - {00057}, 0) : null, where {00012}  is code for Due date, and {00057} is code for Current date and time.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

  • Conditional operator ?: in order to avoid errors in the subtraction when Due date is not set. In this case we return null, i.e., not initialized.
  • max() is used to avoid returning a negative duration when the Due date has passed.

We select duration as display format, since the numeric value being calculated, a number of milliseconds, represents a time duration. This way the value is represented like Time to Due Date: 2d 9h 43m instead of a single number.

We also check parameter "Uninitialized when calculated value is zero", since we don't want the field to be shown once Due Date has been reached.