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This type of read-only custom field has a value which is dynamically calculated from a custom math/numeric expression.

It can be used to obtain a numeric value depending on the value of other fields in the current issue or in any other issues (linked issues, sub-tasks, epics, stories, JQL selected issues, etc).


Configuring a calculated date-time field is straightforward.  You have to configure a valid parser expressions, which will "calculate" the output, and optionally a custom display format.

Create a new Calculated Date-Time Field (by JWT) custom field and name it properly

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does but this step is optional

Math/Numeric expression

Add a valid parser expression which will "calculate" the output.

Usually field codes will be used for this purpose.

%{issue.links.count} #This example simply returns the number of linked issues. 

The result of the calculation must be a valid number. 

Display format 

Optionally choose a custom display format format. This is extremely useful to enhance usability for end users.

Read more about the available Display formats.

Display format 

Optionally choose a custom display format format. This is extremely useful to enhance usability for end users.

Read more about the available Display formats.

Use cases

Need some inspiration? Browse through our use cases.