Tech review

Style guide

Field typeJWT calculated text fields
Use case descriptionChecks whether issues were resolved before the due date.

On this page

Use case

This calculated field returns Yes, if the current issue was resolved before the expected due date, and No if the issue was resolved too late or is currently overdue


Create a new Calculated Text Field (by JWT) custom field and name it properly.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does but this step is optional

Parser expression

Set the Parsing Mode to Advanced

Add the following expression:

{10423} != null ? ({10423} <= {10424} ? "Yes" : "No") : (datePart({000057}, LOCAL) > {10424} ? "No" : null)

  • {10423} is the field code for custom date picker "Date closed" (this field code might differ on your Jira instance)
  • {10424} is the field code for custom date picker "Expected Due Date" (this field code might differ on your Jira instance)

Set the Calculated Text Field to two additional date picker custom fields:

  • Date Picker custom field "Date closed"
  • Date Picker custom field "Expected Due Date"

Set the display value with the following conditions:

if (Date closed = null && Current Day <= Expected Due Date) { "" }
if (Date closed <= Expected Due Date) { "Yes" }
if (Date closed > Expected Due Date || (Date closed = null && Current Day > Expected Due Date)) { "No" }