This function is used for searching properties containing a date in format yyyy/MM/dd [hh:mm] or yyyy-MM-dd [hh:mm]. You can also use w (weeks) or d (days) to specify a date relative to the current date.

Quote-marks " must be used.

projectsWhereDateProperty(project_property, operator, date_literal) #Output: Project list

Parser expressionDescription

projects in projectsWhereDateProperty( birthDay, ">", 2012/01/01 )

this example returns a list of projects where property 'birthDay' stores a date after '2012/01/01'.

projects in projectsWhereDateProperty( nextMeeting, ">=", -1w )

This example returns a list of projects where property 'nextMeeting' stores a date within the last seven days.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The name of a project property containing a text or string value.

Comparison operator to be applied.

  • "=" strict equal operator.
  • "!="  strict not an equal operator.
  • "~"  approximate equal operator (case insensitive and trims blanks).
  • "!~" approximate not equal operator (case insensitive and trims blanks).
  • "matches" The value of project property matches a regular expression.
  • "doesn't match" The value of project property doesn't match a regular expression.
  • ">, >=, <, <=" lexicographical order operators.


The date to be compared with the date stored in the project property.

This function returns a