tbdThorsten Letschert

An expression is an operation that evaluates its value, it is a combination of one or more constants, variables, functions, and operators that return another value.

3 + 4 
#Is an expression which evaluates to 7, with 3 and 4 being two constants 

4 ≠ 4
#This expression evaluates to false

Basic elements

The table below lists all simple elements or operands that can be used in an expression. 


A boolean value of true or false
true, TRUE, false, FALSE

A quoted text or a text field code.
"This is a text"

Text lists are enclosed by square brackets. Not only literals can be used as elements, but also field codes.

["first element", "second element", %{issue.summary}]

A numeric value or a numeric field code.

Number lists are enclosed by square brackets. Not only literals can be used as elements, but also field codes.

[5.1326, 3, 100000001, {issue.labels.length}]

A specific value for comparisons if a field or another value is not set or equals null.

A specific time period: from SECOND to YEAR (in capital letters) in milliseconds

The weekdays in capital letters (MONDAY-SUNDAY) - internally  represented by a number 


The months in capital letters (JANUARY-DECEMBER) - internally represented by a number 

  • Field codes
  • Operators
  • Functions

Field codes are the heart.... and return different data types




Ultimately, what can be used in an expression depends on the parsing mode-→
