On this page

Use case

Add a comment to an issue mentioning the assignee.

The comment will only be added, if the issue priority is set to "High" or "Highest" to ensure that the assignee will only be alerted for the important issue

Configuration steps

Target issue*

Select current issue.

The comment will be left in the current issue.

Comment text*

Use the following expression:

Hi [~accountid:%{issue.assignee}], 
this issue needs your attention. Please provide feedback as soon as possible!


The comment includes a mention of the current assignee.

Comment author*

Select current user

Comment visibility*

For this example we choose unrestricted (all users)

All users with access to the issue will see the comment.

Conditional execution

Use the following expression:

%{issue.priority} in ["High","Highest"]

The post function will only be executed and the comment is left if the priority of the issue is High or Highest.

Related examples

JWT feature

Workflow functionAdd comment
Parser functions
Use case description

Add a comment to an issue mentioning the assignee.

The comment will only be added, if the issue priority is set to "High" or "Highest" to ensure that the assignee will only be alerted for the important issue
