On this page

Use case

Check whether the current issue has any unresolved sub-tasks.

This is particularly important if you want to block a parent issue as long as work is still being done on related sub-tasks.

This use case is valid for both conditions and validators. The only difference is that you can specify an additional error message when using a validator.


Jira expression*

issue.subtasks.filter(s => !(s.resolution != null)).length == 0

This expression makes sure that there are no sub-tasks of the current issue that don't have a resolution set.


You can easily modify this use case to check for specific resolutions or statuses.

Jira expression*

issue.subtasks.filter(s => !(s.resolution.name == "Done")).length == 0

This expression makes sure that there are all sub-tasks of the current issue that have a resolution set to "Done".

Jira expression*

issue.subtasks.filter(s => !(s.status.name == "Done")).length == 0

All sub-tasks must be in the status of

Jira expression*

issue.parent.subtasks.filter(sub => sub.status.id != 10001).length == 0

This expression checks that all sibling sub-tasks are in status with id 10001.

Sibling sub-tasks are all issues under the current issue's parent issue.

Related examples

JWT feature

Workflow function

Jira expression condition

Jira expression validator

Use case description

Check whether the current issue has any unresolved sub-tasks.

This is particularly important if you want to block a parent issue as long as work is still being done on related sub-tasks.

This use case is valid for both conditions and validators. The only difference is that you can specify an additional error message when using a validator.
