This function converts a date value in a certain time zone and a certain language to a text.

dateToString(timestamp, timeZone, language) #Output: Text

Parser ExpressionDescription

%{dateToString({issue.created}, RUN_AS_LOCAL, RUN_AS_LANG)}

This example will take the timestamp (date-time in milliseconds) and translates it to a user friendly text, displayed in the entered language's format.

This example might return:


%{dateToString({issue.created}, "Europe/Berlin", "de")}

With a different server language (e.g. German) the output differs.

This example might return:


Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The parameter must be valid timestamp. Usually this value is retrieved from a field (e.g. due date, created date).

The time zone used for the calculation. 


The language used for the conversion. 

Days might depend on the time zone - it might be Sunday on the west coast of the US while at the same time it's already Monday in Australia. 

If you want to convert a text into a date you might want to have a look at the function stringToDate().

This function returns a

Use cases and examples

Short description
Converts any given date to a text.
