This function returns a text list with all substrings matching the given regular expression.

Evaluation of the regular expression is carried out ignoring the case.

findPatternIgnoreCase(text, regex) #Output: Text list

Parser expressionDescription

%{findPatternIgnoreCase("Grass is Green and Sky is Blue.", "red|green|blue")}

This example returns:  


Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given text.

A valid regular expression that grabs all substrings to be returned.

This function returns a

If you don't want to ignore the case, have a look at the findPattern() function.

Parser expressionOutput

findPatternIgnoreCase("Grass is Green and Sky is Blue.", "red|green|blue")

["Green", "Blue"]

findPattern("Grass is Green and Sky is Blue.", "red|green|blue")

[ ]

Use cases and examples

Short description

Returns all substrings matching a given regular expression, ignoring the case.
