On this page

A huge number of potential use cases can be addressed by using Jira expressions which is currently a Cloud Only feature provided by Atlassian. Jira expressions can be a powerful tool but they come with limitations.

To master Jira's expressions we strongly recommend reading the information we condensed on this single page. Especially when it comes to the difference between Jira expressions and JWT for Jira Cloud parser expressions.

In this documentation and the post function configuration you will notice the symbol ( * ) next to some parameters, it means that this field is mandatory and shall not be left empty. Fields without the symbol are optional.

Add parameters to Validator

Below you will find a detailed description of each parameter to be added to the Validator.

Jira expression*

Enter plain text and optionally use field codes, e.g. issue.summary, to insert field values. The result of the Jira expression shall return true or false .

Remember that the usage of virtual fields is different when being used in Jira expressions (no need to add brackets {}). The select list only contains the Jira expression representation of the field codes known from the JWT for Jira Cloud JWT expression parser, where applicable.

Error message*

Enter the message to show to the end-user when the validation fails.

Test expression

Click on select an issue for the context of the evaluation of the given Jira expression. After clicking the "Evaluate" button the result of the evaluation is shown in a message box below.

If the syntax of the Jira expression is wrong or the evaluation with the given context issue returns an error. An error box is displayed below.

To learn about testing your expression check out Parser expression editor.

Use cases and examples