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It is highly recommended to test your Jira expression before publishing the workflow.

To test an expression simply select an existing issue and click on Evaluate.

As a result, you might encounter the following four responses :

(tick) The value returned by the expression

In order to deal as a condition, the Jira expression expects the return of a boolean true or false. When developing the expression used as a condition it may help to evaluate intermediate results that do not return a boolean value.

If you just enter a field code without any comparison operator you will simply get the value as a response!

In this use case, "Task" will be returned as the current issue type.

When storing this expression as it is, the condition evaluates to false, since with Jira's expressions any non-boolean value will be considered as false.

(tick) True

This response indicates that the expression itself is valid and the test issue (KANBAN-1) is in a status called "To Do"

(tick) False

This response indicates that the expression itself is valid but the test issue (KANBAN-1) is NOT in a status called "ToDo"


There is a syntax error in the specified expression. In this case a missing ' at the end of the expression.