On this page

Use case

Set any date field of an issue to a future date based on the current date and time.

Configuration steps

Target issue*

Select current issue.


Choose either a Date Time Picker field or a Date Picker field. In this example, we will consider Due date as our date field.


In the popup configuration of the field, select Set field value manually (parser expression) and enter the following expression with the expression editor in General mode:

%{dateTimeToString( {system.currentDateTime} + 7*DAY , "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ", RUN_AS_LOCAL, RUN_AS_LANG)}

Alternatively, the following expression can be used with the expression editor in Jira expression mode:

new Date().plusDays(7)

Run as*

Choose which user* will execute the post function. By default, it is set to the Current user.

Related examples

JWT feature

Workflow functionUpdate fields
Parser functionsdateTimeToString()
Use case description

Set any date field of an issue to a future date.
