Tech review

Field code%{issue.lastComment.visibility}

Available since



Returned valueVisibility restrictions for the last comment (info)
Output data type

Example outputjira-administrators

This field can be used to check for visibility restrictions of the last comment.

The output will be the group or project role the visibility of the last comment is restricted to. If no restriction is applied to the comment, this field returns an empty text.

For Service Desk's special Internal visibility restriction, the text "Internal" is returned.


Valid text input

Name of a group or project role (info)

Valid numerical input

Example inputjsd_internal

Updates the visibility of the last comment in the issue if it exists.

In Jira Service Desk it also admits values public and internal (without double quotes), or alternatively jsd_public and jsd_internal to avoid name collision with existing project roles and user groups.

DevelopersSets visibility to project role or group named Developers.
jsd_internalSets the Service Desk visibility to Internal.
jira-developersSets visibility to the group jira-developers.