This post function automatically creates one or multiple issue links.

You can create links between virtually any issue.


Select the issue link type to be created between the source issue and the destination issue. All available link types will be displayed.

Select the source issues to create the issue links from. The following options are available:

Current issueThe link will be created from the current issue.
Issue key in field

When you select this option, specify the field containing the key(s) of the issues that should be linked from. 

The field must contain either a single issue key or a list of issue keys, separated by comma or blank.

Set issue manually (parser expression)When you select this option, you can specify the issues to be linked through an expression in JQL mode.

Select the destination issues to create the issue links to. The following options are available:

Issue key in field

When you select this option, specify the field containing the key(s) of the issues that should be linked to. 

The field must contain either a single issue key or a list of issue keys, separated by comma or blank.

Set issue manually (parser expression)When you select this option, you can specify the issues to be linked through an expression in JQL mode.

You can select how the issue links should be created in case there are multiple issues to be linked. The following options are available:


Many-to-many relationship

Each source issue will be linked to all destination issues.

One-to-one relationship

Each source issue will be linked to one destination issue according to order in which they are returned by the JQL query.

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Short descriptionCreate one or multiple issue links.