This condition is used for hiding or blocking a transition depending on the result of a JQL query.

Field codes in the format %{nnnnn} can be inserted in the JQL query. It will be replaced by the corresponding field values at JQL execution time. Most of the times you will require to introduce one or more field codes in your JQL query since usually some kind of reference to the current issue (%{00015}), current user (%{00020}), current date (%{00057}), assignee (%{00003}) wants to be made.


Enter plain text and optionally use field codes, e.g %{issue.summary}, to insert field values.

Test your expression by clicking the play button on the top right of the expression box.

Select the condition from one of the following options:


Current issue belongs to the output of the query

Current issue doesn't belong to the output of the query

Number of issues returned by the JQL query satisfies a logical expression

An Expression* field will appear, and there you would have to enter a text, and you can also use field codes. The expression must return true or false.

Test your expression by clicking the run button on the top right of the expression box.

Choose which user* will be able to execute this condition. By default, it is set to the Current user.

Use cases and examples

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Short descriptionCondition on the result of a JQL query.