On this page

Use case

Issue links can be used to show relations between different issues. The blocks and is blocked by links can be used to indicate that an issue is depending on another one.

In the following use case those links will be removed once the blocking issue is closed.


Add the Delete issue link post function to the desired transition or create a new transition.

You might want to place the post function on the transition that is used to close the issue.

Source issues

Choose Current issue

Advanced filters

Filter by link type

Choose blocks (Blocks)

Optionally, you can use the conditional execution to only delete the issue link, if a specific resolution was set on the blocking issue.

Conditional execution

E.g., you could use the following expression:

%{issue.resolution} = "Fixed"

In this case, the issue link will only be deleted, if the resolution "Fixed" was set on the blocking issue.


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Delete issue link


Tech review

Style guide