On this page

Use case

Using the time tracking feature within Jira is a great way to keep on track of your finances.

In the following use case we're going to extend this functionality by automatically adding a 20% profit margin when a ticket is closed.

This way this step never gets forgotten again.


Add the Log work post function to the desired workflow transition or create a new transition.

Target issue

Choose Current issue

Time spent

Enter the following expression:

{issue.timeSpent} * 0.2

Starting date-time

Leave this one empty. This way the current date and time will be used as starting time.

Work description

Enter a comment like:

Automatically added 20% profit margin when closing issue using JWT.

Additional information

Remaining estimate

Choose Retain remaining estimate

Select this option, if the profit margin should not be subtracted from the remaining estimate. If it should be subtracted from the remaining estimate, select the other option.


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Log work


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