On this page

Use case

In this use case we're going to automatically log work as soon as we enter and leave a specific status, like shown below:

As soon as we execute the Start Progress transition, we're starting our work. As soon as we execute the Stop Progress transition, we stop our work and automatically log the time we worked on the issue.


In order to make this use case work, we need to create one custom fields to store the time we entered the specific status. 

Create a date time picker custom field

Name: Work Start Time

Go to the Field configuration and set the visibility of the created custom field to hidden.


Add the Update fields post function to the Start Progress transition.

Target issue*

Choose Current issue



Choose Work Start Time


Choose Set field value manually


Enter the following expression:


Add the Log work post function to the Stop Progress transition.

Target issue

Choose Current issue

Time spent

Enter the following expression:

({system.currentDateTime} - {issue.cfnnnnn}) / {MINUTE}

cfnnnnn is the field code for the Work Start Time custom field we've previously created.

Update the field code to the corresponding field code on your instance!

Starting date-time

Enter the following expression:


cfnnnnn is the field code for the Work Start Time custom field we've previously created.

Update the field code to the corresponding field code on your instance!

Work description

You can enter a comment like this:

Work started at %{issue.cfnnnnn} and stopped at %{system.currentDateTime}.

cfnnnnn is the field code for the Work Start Time custom field we've previously created.

Update the field code to the corresponding field code on your instance!

Additional options

Remaining estimate

Choose Auto adjustment



Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Log work

Use case description

Automatically log work when executing specific transitions.


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