Tech review

Style guide

Field typeNumber
Use case descriptionDisplays the number of days an issue was in the Open status.

On this page

Use case

This calculated field returns the number of days an issue was in the "Open" status.


Create a new Calculated Number Field (by JWT) custom field and name it properly.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does but this step is optional

Parser expression

Add the following expression:

timeInStatus("Open") / {DAY}

Apart from a time macro, the following functions are used:

Display format

Choose Number as Content type

Choose the following number format pattern

### days

Check the parameter Uninitialized when calculated value is zero

Add the field to the relevant view screens.

Remember: All calculated fields are read-only and cannot be manually updated on a create or edit screen.

Check the results

Once configured and added to an issue screen (a parent issue ), the result will look like this:


Related use cases