Tech review

Style guide

Field type Number
Use case descriptionAggregates the total of all story point estimates of issues linked to an epic.

On this page

Use case

This calculated field sums up all the story points of issue linked to an epic.


Create a new Calculated Number Field (by JWT) custom field and name it properly.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does but this step is optional

Parser expression

Add the following expression:

sum(fieldValue({issue.cf10200}, issuesUnderEpic(%{issue.key})))

  • {issue.cf10200} is the numeric field code for Story points (this field code might differ in your Jira instance)

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Add the field to the relevant view screens.

Remember: All calculated fields are read-only and cannot be manually updated on a create or edit screen.

Check the results

Once configured and added to an issue screen (of an epic), the result will look like this:

Related use cases