On this page

Use case

In Jira it is not possible to restrict the creation of issues with specific issue types to certain user/ user groups/ project roles.

In the following use case, we restrict the issue creation to the project roles Developers and Software Tester.

In this use case we assume that there is a separate workflow for each issue type in the project.

If you only have one workflow that is used by several issue types, check out the corresponding use case.


Add the validator to the create transition of the desired workflow.

Source field

Choose Current issue


Choose All users are at least in one of the selected project roles

Project role

Choose Developers and Software Testers

Update the selection according to your needs.

Error message

Enter the following expression in basic text mode:

You are not allowed to create an issue with issue type "%{issue.issueType}".


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Users are/aren't in project role (validator)

Parser functions

Tech review

Style guide