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Use case

This use case calculates the total of all remaining estimates (in days) of issues and sub-tasks linked to the current epic.

If you want to exclude sub-tasks have a look at the following use case: Total remaining estimate in an epic (only standard issues).


Create a new Calculated Number Field (by JWT) custom field and name it properly.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the custom field does but this step is optional

Parser expression

Add the following expression:

sum(fieldValue({issue.remainingEstimate}, issuesUnderEpic() UNION subtasks(issuesUnderEpic()))) / 480 
# The result, which returns the number of minutes is divided by 480 to return a number of working days.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Display format

Choose Number as Content type

Enter the following custom format for Number format pattern:


Check the results

Once configured and added to an issue screen (e.g. an epic), the result will look like this:

Related use cases

JWT feature

Field typeNumber