On this page

Use case

In this example, the Log work post function will be used to log work on another ticket.

In this case there is an Jira ticket for each employee. In addition, "Absence" tickets can be created for a specific day. If this ticket gets approved, 8 hours will be logged on the related employee ticket.

The employee ticket must have the summary "Employee <username>".


First, we have to create a date custom field to enter the absence day.

Create a Date Picker custom field

Name: Absence day

Add the created custom field to the screen(s) of the absence ticket.


Add the Log work post function to the desired transition or create a new transition.

Target issue

Choose Set target issue manually


Enter the following expression with mode set to JQL:

summary ~ "Employee %{issue.reporter}"

Time spent

Enter the following number:


Since the time spent must be entered in minutes and 8h correspond to 480 minutes, this number has to be entered.

Starting date-time

Enter the following expression:

stringToDate(%{issue.cfnnnnn} + " 08:00", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")

cfnnnnn is the field code for the Absence day custom field we've previously created.

Update the field code to the corresponding field code on your instance!

Work description

Enter a description like the following:


Feel free to change the description according to your needs!

Additional options

Remaining estimate

Choose Auto adjustment

Conditional execution

Finally, we add a conditional execution so that the post function will only be executed if the issue's summary is "Absence".

%{issue.summary} ~ "Absence"


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Log work

Parser functionsstringToDate()

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