Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio) is an app that let's you keep track of your agile roadmaps and plans directly within Jira.

It let's you see the big picture and track your processes.

As of release 3.6.0 sumUp supports several of their provided custom fields.


Using Advanced roadmaps custom fields in dashboards

Once a roadmap is configured and the custom fields are used, they can be added to our gadgets to display all relevant data.

(lightbulb) Not only displaying, but also grouping by Advanced roadmaps' custom fields is possible!

Supported custom fields

As of now, not all custom fields are supported by sumUp.

SupportedNot supported

(tick) Team

(tick) Parent link

(tick) Original story points

(error) Start date

(error) End date

Advanced Roadmaps and calculation rules

Advanced Roadmaps and calculation rules

It is possible to create calculation rules for the custom field Original story points.

Once configured, the calculation will be displayed in your gadgets, rows and everywhere you need it!