This JQL function returns users by checking against their user properties that contain numeric values.

usersWithNumericProperty(propertyName, operator, number) #Output: Text list

Parser expressionDescription

assignee in usersWithNumericProperty("dailyTasks", ">", 4)

This example returns all issues where the current assignee has a user property called dailyTasks with a value greater than 4.

reporter in usersWithNumericProperty("remainingHolidays", ">", 15)

This example returns all issues where the reporter has a user property called remainingHolidays with a value greater than 15.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

The name of an user property containing a numeric value.

The operator used to compare the actual value with the expected value. Allowed operators are:

=Property value must be equal to the specified one.
!=Property value must not be equal to the specified one.
>Property value must be greater than the specified one, ignoring the case.
<Property value must be lower than the specified one, ignoring the case.


The number to be compared with the value stored in the user property.

This function returns a

If you want to search for issues where a user as a specific text or date property value, have a look the the usersWithTextProperty() or usersWithDateTimeProperty() function.

If you want to search for issues, checking only if a property is being set ignoring it's value, have a look the the usersWithProperty() function.

Short description

Returns users with specific numeric properties.



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