DescriptionShows the overall progress of a specific project. Time estimated vs. time logged.
Chart preview

  • Project
  • Live parameters

The progress by project shows the overall progress of a specific project. Estimated time vs. logged time.

Chart preview


in UIin Code


Project Picker (single project)

Used layout: Gauge.

//helper function
function formatTooltipAsHours(value)
    return value.toFixed(2) + ' h';
var columns = [];
if (chartData.columns && chartData.columns.length){
//generate the basic properties for generating the chart
var c3arg = {
    onrendered: updateFrameHeight,
    data: {
        columns: columns,
        type: chartData.type,
        colors: chartData.colors,
        empty: chartData.empty
// on hover over the gauge, display the time in hours
if (chartData.custom && chartData.custom.tooltip)
    var tooltipFunction = eval(chartData.custom.tooltip);
    c3arg.tooltip = {
        format: {
            value: tooltipFunction
//set the maximum value on the gounge, in our case, total number of hours
if ( chartData.custom && chartData.custom.gauge_max)
    c3arg.gauge = {
        max: parseFloat(chartData.custom.gauge_max)

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue;
import com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlClauseBuilder;
import com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlQueryBuilder;
import com.atlassian.jira.util.I18nHelper;
import com.decadis.jira.xchart.api.ChartParam;
import com.decadis.jira.xchart.api.util.DateUtils;
import com.decadis.jira.xchart.api.model.Period;
//transform seconds in hours, for a nicer display on the chart
def TimeInHours = { BigDecimal bd -> BigDecimal.valueOf(bd.longValue() / 3600.0d);}
def dateFormat = DateUtils.GetDateformat("yyyy.MM.dd");
def i18n = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getI18nHelper();
JqlClauseBuilder jqlClauseBuilder = JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder();
// ProjectParam - is a Parameter of type Project Picker (single project)
if ( ProjectParam != null ) {
List<Issue> issues = chartBuilder.getFilterUtils().performSearch(jqlClauseBuilder.buildQuery(), user);
def metaCountGroup = chartBuilder.newDataCollector();
Long total = 0l;
for ( Issue issue : issues )
  Calendar cwCreated = chartBuilder.getDateUtils().getStartOfPeriod(issue.getCreated(), Period.MONTH);
  String cw = dateFormat.format(cwCreated.getTime());
  Object oe = issue.getOriginalEstimate();
  if ( oe != null )
    Long remaining = issue.getEstimate();
    total += (remaining != null ? remaining : 0);
    Long spent = issue.getTimeSpent();
    if ( spent != null )
      total += spent;
      metaCountGroup.addValue(TimeInHours(spent), i18n.getText("common.concepts.time.spent"), cw);
def chartData = chartBuilder.newChartData(i18n.getText(""));
chartData.addCustomData("gauge_max", String.format("%.2f", total / 3600.0));
chartData.addCustomData("tooltip", "formatTooltipAsHours");
chartBuilder.getChartUtil().transformResult(metaCountGroup, chartData, true);
return chartData;