In this example, we display the number of created issues grouped by Issue Type on the X-Axis, and by Period on Y-axis.

The report looks like this, where both the Jql_Param and Period_PickerĀ  are dynamically populated.

Chart preview

The period is a helper xCharts class, that handles time periods and can be found in theĀ API Documentation.

but the Period can be also dynamically set, by using a parameter:

Period selectedPeriod = Period.fromString(Period_Picker);

If Period_Picker is a TEXT Parameter, it has to have one of the following values:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Half a year
  • Year

An alternative way is to use the "Time Period Picker".


NameTypeDefault value
Jql_ParamJQL Autocomplete
Period_PickerTime Period PickerMonth

Used layout: Default Table.

var div = $("#chart");
var table ='table')
var thead = table.append('thead')
var tbody = table.append('tbody');
$("#chart ~ table").addClass("table")
                  .text(function(column) { return column; });
$('thead > tr > th:first').text(chartData.ytype + " \\ " + chartData.xtype)
var tr = tbody.selectAll('tr').data(chartData.groups[0]).enter().append("tr");
var td = tr.selectAll("td").data(function(d) {
    var result = new Array();
    $.each(chartData.columns, function(index, value) {
        if (value[0] == d) {
            result.push.apply(result, value);
    return result;
}).enter().append("td").text(function(d, i) {
    return d;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue;
import com.atlassian.jira.jql.parser.JqlQueryParser;
import com.atlassian.query.Query;
import com.decadis.jira.xchart.api.model.Period;
import com.decadis.jira.xchart.api.util.DateUtils;
def metaCountGroup = chartBuilder.newDataCollector();
DateFormat dateFormat = DateUtils.SimpleDateFormat;
JqlQueryParser jqlQueryParser = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(JqlQueryParser.class);
Query query = jqlQueryParser.parseQuery(Jql_Param);
Period selectedPeriod = Period.fromString(Period_Picker);
// Attention: Security is ignored
for ( Issue issue : chartBuilder.getFilterUtils().performSearchOverrideSecurity(query) )
    Calendar cwCreated = dateUtils.getStartOfPeriod(issue.getCreated(), selectedPeriod);
    String cw = dateUtils.getPeriodName(cwCreated.getTime(), selectedPeriod);
    metaCountGroup.addValue(BigDecimal.ONE, issue.getIssueType().getName(), cw);
def chartData = chartBuilder.newChartData("Issues");
chartBuilder.getChartUtil().transformResult(metaCountGroup, chartData, true);
return chartData;

    "IssueType 1" :
        "2016 - 01" : 2,
        "2016 - 02" : 2,
        "2016 - 03" : 2,
        "2016 - 04" : 1,
        "2016 - 05" : 1,
        "2016 - 06" : 1,
        "2016 - 07" : 0,
        "2016 - 08" : 0,
        "2016 - 09" : 1,
        "2016 - 10" : 2,
        "2016 - 11" : 1,
        "2016 - 12" : 2,
        "2017 - 01" : 0
    "IssueType 2" :
        "2016 - 01" : 1,
        "2016 - 02" : 3,
        "2016 - 03" : 0,
        "2016 - 04" : 2,
        "2016 - 05" : 1,
        "2016 - 06" : 1,
        "2016 - 07" : 2,
        "2016 - 08" : 0,
        "2016 - 09" : 2,
        "2016 - 10" : 1,
        "2016 - 11" : 2,
        "2016 - 12" : 1,
        "2017 - 01" : 1
    "IssueType 3" :
        "2016 - 01" : 1,
        "2016 - 02" : 0,
        "2016 - 03" : 3,
        "2016 - 04" : 1,
        "2016 - 05" : 3,
        "2016 - 06" : 1,
        "2016 - 07" : 2,
        "2016 - 08" : 2,
        "2016 - 09" : 0,
        "2016 - 10" : 2,
        "2016 - 11" : 1,
        "2016 - 12" : 1,
        "2017 - 01" : 0
    "IssueType 4" :
        "2016 - 01" : 1,
        "2016 - 02" : 3,
        "2016 - 03" : 2,
        "2016 - 04" : 0,
        "2016 - 05" : 2,
        "2016 - 06" : 3,
        "2016 - 07" : 4,
        "2016 - 08" : 3,
        "2016 - 09" : 3,
        "2016 - 10" : 0,
        "2016 - 11" : 0,
        "2016 - 12" : 2,
        "2017 - 01" : 0
    "IssueType 5" :
        "2016 - 01" : 1,
        "2016 - 02" : 0,
        "2016 - 03" : 1,
        "2016 - 04" : 5,
        "2016 - 05" : 1,
        "2016 - 06" : 2,
        "2016 - 07" : 1,
        "2016 - 08" : 3,
        "2016 - 09" : 2,
        "2016 - 10" : 4,
        "2016 - 11" : 4,
        "2016 - 12" : 3,
        "2017 - 01" : 1

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