This JQL function can be used to search for issues that satisfy the specified JQL query and boolean predicate.

issueSelection(query, predicate) #Output: Issue list
Parser expressionDescription
issue in issueSelection("project = CRM and status=\"In Progress\" and priority = 1", "{issue.dueDate} = {issue.customfield_aaaaa} and count(linkedIssues()) = 0")

This examples returns all issues that fulfill the entered JQL and furthermore fulfill the given boolean expression.

(tick) Note that you can easily use there all parser logic known from our custom fields, post functions, etc.

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A JQL query to select the issues that should be further filtered by the boolean predicate. Everytime a double-quotation is used in the query, they must be jumped with a slash, just like in the previous example.


A valid parser expression that returns a boolean value.

This function returnsĀ .

Short descriptionFilters issues using a JQL and a parser expression that returns a boolean value.


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