What does this gadget offer?

The Filter Results (by sumUp) gadget is similar to the built-in Jira Filter Results gadget extended by a calculation row showing totals.


Add a custom title to the gadget for easier identification. If nothing is set, the title will be generated by combining the gadget name and the selected filter/ JQL.

Select whether you want to use a predefined JQL Filter or a custom JQL to get the issues.

Add fields to be displayed as columns and reorder them using drag and drop.

The sum/ average of a field will only be displayed, if a calculation rule has been created.

If there are multiple calculation rules for a single field, they all are selectable from the dropdown list.

The field name will be written in parentheses behind the rule name.

Choose how many results you want to display on your dashboard.

Specify how often the gadget should be refreshed.

If Never is selected, the gadget will only be refreshed on page reload.