• Include work-log data
  • Include project data
  • Include sub-task & parent issue data
  • Include Tempo Plugin data like billable hours and account data
  • Export user related information like e-mail address, display name or even user properties
  • Use excel formulas
  • Include sums of work-logs or billable hours, even per user
  • Format cell style (borders, merged cells, background-color, text align)
  • Change column and row dimensions
  • Add/remove number of columns and rows
  • Edit text style (font, size, bold, italic, underline, color)
  • Change cell format (all general excel formats are supported: date format, number format, etc.)
  • Change date format (Java SimpleDateFormat is supported)
  • Define work-log format as float, time or Jira pretty, e.g. "4.5", "04:30" or "4 hours 30 minutes"

There are many options to configure xPort templates:

  • Change text style
  • Change font and font size
  • Change page orientation
  • Change grid
  • Change text color
  • Change cell background color
  • Change the text alignment
  • Add and format borders

Dynamic data cells are marked with light blue and they determine

  • the row where the dynamic data should be - in this row a user should add the data that should be exported from each issue

  • the columns where the dynamic data starts and ends - same as for rows

Every dynamic information that is outside of these limits, will be exported from the first issue with work logs (see Meta Data below).

Changing the dynamic data rows and columns can be done by right clicking on a certain row/column, and choosing one of the options at the end of the list as shown in the image to the right.

  • row with dynamic data start & end
  • column with dynamic data start
  • column with dynamic data end 

ProjectIssueParent issueWorklogAccount *SumOther
keykeykeystartdate 3category *timespent 1date 3
namesummarysummaryenddate 3name *timespentUser 1formula 1
descriptiondescriptiondescriptiontimespent 1contact *billable *1image
lead²assignee 2assignee 2commentlead *2billableUser *1
categoryreporter 2reporter 2author 2key*

typetypecreated 3status*

statusstatusbillable *1customer*

customfield_12345 1customfield_12345 1

attribute *4

1 Special format
2 Application User Information
3 Date Object
Tempo Worklog Attributes

* Tempo Plugin required

To insert dynamic data in a cell include type and field in brackets (also available as options in the dropdowns above the template), e.g.




Combining fields in one cell is supported, e.g.

{issue.key} {issue.summary}

Normal text and dynamic data in one field is also supported, e.g.

Issue key: {issue.key}

Curly braces {} in normal text can cause problems.

Any dynamic data defined in the template but not in the dynamic data row will be filled with data from first found worklog or related issue data.

Standard format for time containing fields is Float.

1 Special format 

Custom Fields containing user objects can be formatted like any user object fields.

Time containing Fields (timespent, billable, sum fields) can have the following formats:

Jira Pretty e.g. "4 hours 30 minutes"


Jira Days  e.g. "4 h 30 m"


Jira Hours e.g. "4,5h"


Time e.g. "04:30"


Float e.g. "4.5"


2 Application User Information 

Supported user information: displayName, mail, username, key, name and any user property.



Mail Address:









If not specified e.g. {issue.reporter} the displayName will be exported.

User Property:

All properties visible for JIRA administrators starts with "jira.meta.". Other properties are although supported e.g.



3 Working with Dates 

There are 2 possibilities:

  1. Using always the menu items, for example:
    Other → Date and then, while the cell is selected, choose a Cell Format from the menu. This will guarantee the correct display in Excel.

  2. If you want to manually update the cells, then you should pay attention to these 2 situations:

{cell.date.format:<EXCEL_FORMAT>} → Cell contains Date Object with Excel formatting

{cell.date.tostring:<JAVA_SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT>} → Cell contains text, using the Java SimpleDateFormat evaluated date, and NO Excel formatting information.

 Do not use both possibilities in the same field. This will cause the date to be rendered incorrectly.

You can format every date you can insert in your template with the commands starting with ".format..."


Examples of Excel Formats for date: 12.01.2015, 13:13:15

{cell.date.format:DD.mm.YYYY} - displays 12.01.2015

{cell.date.format:YYYY} - displays 2015 in Excel

{cell.date.format:DD.mm.YYYY HH:MM} - displays 12.01.2015 13:13

Examples of Java SimpleDateFormat with the same date as above:

{cell.date.tostring:HH:MM} - displays 13:13

{cell.date.tostring:DD-MMM-YYYY} - displays 12 Jan 2015

4 Tempo Worklog Attributes

Insert the Worklog Attribute reference via the Worklog Dropdown in the template editor menu bar.

{worklog.attribute._overtime_} - displays the Worklog Overtime attribute in the export

Tempo Plugin required

Supported Formula features

The following dynamic replacements are available:

StringReplaced by
currentColumnName() the alphabetical column name in excel of the current column
currentRow()the current row number
dataStartRow()the 1 indexed row with defined with dynamic data
dataEndRow()the 1 indexed row with last dynamic data

You can use nearly every excel formula in your template. Just type

{cell.formula.<excel formula>}

With features a cell with formula can look like this:



SUM function


IF function


Subtract three cells in one row


Divide a column value in a current row with 10


Difference between cell.date & worklog.startdate 


  • Displays a date in every row whether time was logged on this day or not
  • Dispalys only a date when time was logged on the certain day
  • Useful when creating a report in list style
  • Just get a list of days with logged work
  • Useful when creating a report in calender style
  • In addition you can change the background color for weekends

To change a column or row use the right mouse button.

The following options are available:

  • Change the column width
  • Change the row hight
  • Add a row above or below
  • Add a column left or right
  • Delete a row or column

Own images for the integration in templates can be uploaded in General Settings.

Supported formats: 

  • png
  • jpg
  • gif

Adding images to templates can be done via the drop-down menu: Other → Images or manually:


name - the full name of the picture file included extension.

Starting with version 1.0.5, it is possible to allow Excel to automatically adjust row heights by setting the row height to -1. Alternatively you can press the Auto button. It will have the same effect.

xPort offers the opportunity to import and export templates right from the app.

Templates can be downloaded as ".json" file right beside the template name in the template Overview.

For an upload also a ".json" file is needed.