This function returns the result of a given Jira expression.

jiraExpression(text) #Output: Text 
Parser expressionDescription

This example returns:


Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given text.

This function returns a  

Variant where you can additionally define a list of issues which can be used within the Jira expression given as the first parameter.

jiraExpression(text, issueList) #Output: Text list
Parser expressionDescription

This example returns:


The current user %{issue.currentUser.displayName} has written %{jiraExpression("issue.comments.filter(c=>")} comments to this issue and created %{jiraExpression("issue.subtasks.filter(s=>s.reporter.accountId==user.accountId).length} sub-tasks.

The current user John Doe has written 3 comments to this issue and created 2 sub-tasks.

This function returns a  

Short description

Returns the result of a Jira expression.
