This JQL function can be used to search for issues that satisfy the specified JQL query and logical expression.

issueSelection(subquery, logicalExpression) #Output: Issue list
Parser expressionDescription
issue in issueSelection('project = CRM', 'count(allComments()) > 10')

This example returns all issues within the CRM project with more than 10 comments.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

issue in issueSelection('category = Support', 'count(filterByResolution(subtasks(), "")) > 0')

This example returns all issues from projects within the Support category with unresolved sub-tasks.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

issue in issueSelection('type = Task', 'isAClone()')

This example returns all Tasks that have been created by cloning an issue.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

issue in issueSelection('project = KANBAN', 'isInRole(%{issue.assignee}, "Developers")')

This example returns all issues within the KANBAN project that are assigned to users in the Developers role.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

issue in issueSelection('type = Incident', 'lastFieldChangeTime(%{issue.priority}) > ({system.currentDateTime} - 60 * {MINUTE})')

This example returns all Incidents with a change of priority within the last 60 minutes.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A JQL query to select the issues that should be further filtered by the logical expression.

Pro tip: Write the JQL query in single quotes instead of double quotes. Otherwise everytime a double-quotation is used in the subquery, they must be jumped with a slash.


A logical expression that returns a boolean value.

Pro tip: Write the parser expression in single quotes instead of double quotes. Otherwise everytime a double-quotation is used in the expression, they must be jumped with a slash.

This function returns a 

Short descriptionFilters issues by a given logical expression


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