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Use case

In the following use case we use a JWT JQL function in order to retrieve all issues whose assignee is not active anymore and in which the current user was an assignee in the past.


Use the following JQL:

issue in issueSelection("project in (PLAT, WEB)", "!isActive(%{issue.assignee}) and %{system.currentUser} in fieldHistory(%{issue.assignee})")

Details to keep in mind

To set the subquery, it is recommendable to test it before in the Issue Navigator to make sure that it is correctly written and that it returns the expected.

The less issues returned by the subquery, the faster the function will be executed, so the more precise with the subquery, the better.

To find out which functions can be useful for your use case, you can check the parser function's documentation. In this case we have used:


Related use cases

JWT feature
JQL function



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