On this page

Use case

Retrieve all bugs in projects TIS and PLAT where the current user has ever been mentioned in a comment.


Use the following JQL:

issue in issueSelection("project in (TIS, PLAT) and issuetype=Bug", "count(filterByValue(allComments(), ~, %{system.currentUser}))!=0")

Details to keep in mind

To set the subquery, it is recommended to test it beforehand in the issue navigator. The less issues returned by the subquery, the faster the function will be executed, so the more precise the subquery, the better.

To further refine the issues returned, the following functions are used:

  • allComments() to access all of the comments in the corresponding bug.
  • filterByValue() to find the comments in the bug which contains a mention to the current user.
  • count() to get the number of comments that has ben returned by filterByValue().


Related use cases

JWT feature

JQL function



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