This function returns an issue list containing the children issues located in the level just under current issue according to Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy.

Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy includes:

  • Issues linked by Parent Link custom field.
  • Issues linked by Epic-Story link.
  • Sub-tasks in the lowest level of the hierarchy. Sub-tasks under issues in intermediate levels of the hierarchy are not considered to belong to Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy.


issuesUnder() #Output: Issue list
Parser expressionDescription

Considering that current issue is JWT-1, this expression returns all issues in the level just under it:

JWT-3, JWT-8

This function returns an

Variant where you additionally can define issues.

Duplicated issues are filtered from the output.

issuesUnder(issueList) #Output: Issue list
Parser expressionDescription
issuesUnder(linkedIssues("is blocked by")) 

Assuming that expression linkedIssues("is blocked by") returns [JWT-3, JWT-4], this example returns all the issues in the level just under issues JWT-3 and JWT-4:

JWT-2, JWT-11, JWT-6, JWT-10

To achieve this the following functions are used:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given issue list. Usually this value is retrieved from a function (e.g. linkedIssues() or issuesUnderEpic()).

This function returns an

Variant where you define issue keys instead.

Duplicated issues are filtered from the output.

issuesUnder(issueKeys) #Output: Issue list
Parser expressionDescription
 issuesUnder("JWT-3, JWT-8")

This example returns all issues in the level just under issues JWT-3 and JWT-8:
JWT-2, JWT-11, JWT-9, JWT-16

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

A comma separated list of issue keys.

This function returns an

To return all issues under an issue within the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy, you might want to have a look into the allIssuesUnder() function.

To return all issues having the same parent within the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy, you might want to have a look into the siblingIssues() function.

To return the parent of an issue within the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy, you might want to have a look into the parent()  function.

To return all issues above an issue within the Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy, you might want to have a look into the issuesAbove() function.

Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Returns issues located in the level just under a given parent issue according to Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy.


Available since
