This function filters a given issue list by the provided project keys.

filterByProject(issueList, projectKeys) #Output: Issue list

Parser expressionDescription

%{filterByProject(linkedIssues(), "CRM, HR")}

This example returns a list of linked issues belonging to projects with keys CRM or HR.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

%{filterByProject(linkedIssues("blocks"), "SUPPORT")}

This example returns a list of blocked issues in project SUPPORT.

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description

Any given issue list. Usually this value is retrieved from a function (e.g. linkedIssues() or subtasks()).

A text with project keys. If several project keys should be checked, they have to be provided as a comma separated list.

This function returns an

Use cases and examples

Tech review

Style guide

Short description

Filters a given issue list by project.


Available since

