The post function Copy or add custom field value to issue description is deprecated in JWT DC but can be easily replaced by the post function Update fields of JWT Cloud.

JWT DC parameter

JWT DC parameter options

JWT Cloud parameter options


Target issue: Current issue

Only available in JWT Cloud. Please use the default value Current issue.

Source field
Since this parameter is not available in JWT Cloud, please proceed as follows:
  • Select the field Description out of the list provided by the parameter Fields
  • Choose the option Set field value manually (parser expression)

ModeReplace issue descriptionInsert the value which will replace the current description of the issue by select the field to copy from via the field injector of the parser expression editor.



Add at the beginning of issue descriptionChoose the field to copy from via the field injector of the parser expression editor and add %{issue.description} (preceded by an empty space)


%{issue.dueDate} %{issue.description}

Add at the end of issue descriptionEnter %{issue.description} plus an empty space in the parser expression editor and choose the field to copy from via the field injector of the parser expression editor.


%{issue.description} %{issue.dueDate}

Run as

Only available in JWT Cloud. Please use the default value User in field with the option Current user.

In case the post function shall run with a different user you can select any other option offered here.

Conditional execution

Only available in JWT Cloud. Please leave the parameter empty.

In case you like to add acondition under which circumstances this post function is executed, you can enter it here using the Logical mode or the Jira expression mode of the JWT Cloud expression parser.