Like the Compare two values validator of JWT DC is also available for   JWT Cloud .

Since JWT  field codes  are not available in conditions or validators in JWT Cloud, they have to be replaced by their Jira expression equivalent.

Migration details

 JWT DC parameter

 JWT Cloud parameter

Left-hand side value

While this value is set by a parser expression in JWT DC, it is selected from a drop-down list in JWT Cloud.

Right-hand side value

Either a field can be selected or a value can be set manually. In JWT Cloud one of these options has to be selected first and then a field or a value by using the parser expression editor has to be provided. 



 JWT Cloud

Depending on the field which is selected as left-hand value, not all operators are valid for this field. Only the valid ones are offered.

JWT Cloud offers the two additional operators ~ (contains) and !~ (does not contain) which may be used instead of the one selected in the JWT DC configuration.

Due to the different architecture, it may happen that the condition gets too complex. This is the case when many fields are checked. The condition cannot be saved, and a corresponding error message will be displayed. If that's the case, the condition has to be split up into two or more. 

Validation options

This paramater is not available in JWT Cloud. 

Error message

In JWT Cloud, only a fixed text without field codes or translations is supported.