This validator checks if fields are set/empty or have/haven't changed on the transition screen.


Select the field to be checked, and in a subsequent step the desired behavior. The following options are available:

is requiredThe specified field must have a value. If no value is present, the validation will fail.
must be emptyThe specified field must not have a value. If a value is present, the validation will fail.
must be changedThe specified field must have been updated during the transition / on the transition screen.
must not be changedThe specified field must not have been updated during the transition / on the transition screen.

You can select all Field codes which have Jira expression field code via the field code injector.

Enter the message to show to the end-user when the validation fails. If you don't enter a message, the default error Message for JWT for Jira Cloud "Validation failed for validator 'Fields required or changed (JWT)'" is displayed in case the validation fails.

If you want to use this functionality in a  condition instead, have a look at the following condition:  Fields required

Use cases and examples

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Style guide

Short descriptionCheck if fields are set/empty or have/haven't changed on the transition screen.