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Use case

Add three days to a Date picker from the date that you prefer. For demonstration purposes, we are going to use the current date.


Add the post function Update fields to the transition of your choice.

Target issue*

Select current issue.



Choose a date field, e.g., Date picker, Planned end date, Planned start date, Due date...etc.
In this example, we will consider Due date as our date field.


Select Set field value manually (parser expression) and enter the following expression:

%{dayOfTheWeek({system.currentDateTime},RUN_AS_LOCAL) in [3,4,5] ? 	
dateTimeToString(addDays({issue.dueDate}, 5, RUN_AS_LOCAL), "YYYY-MM-DD", RUN_AS_LANG) : dateTimeToString(addDays({issue.dueDate}, 3, RUN_AS_LOCAL), "YYYY-MM-DD", RUN_AS_LANG)}

With minor modifications, you will be able to add up to 5 days to any date skipping weekends as long as you increase or reduce the count in [3,4,5] for every unit added or deducted respectively from the number of days that you would like to skip and also increase or reduce the values of the number 5 by an unit.

For instance, adding 4 days instead of 3 would suppose adding a unit to 3 and 5 (4 and 6 after the change) and adding another number to the number list (it would become [2,3,4,5]).

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Update fields

Parser functions



Labelused to mark a use case as staff pick
Use case descriptionAdd three days to a Date Picker field from the current date.

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