On this page

Use case

In this use case we will get the assets (formerly insight objects) of a Jira Cloud issue and write the respective object labels to a custom text field.


For this use case we need a custom action for executing the get assets operation. It should be executed for a Jira Cloud instance.

Configure the connection either inside the post function configuration or using the Remote actions page in the Manage apps administration by setting the following input.


Atlassian API

Connection type

Choose External.

Base URL



Choose Basic authentication and provide an email as the username and an API token as password.

Create the action either inside the post function configuration or using the Remote actions page in the Manage apps administration by setting the following input.


Get assets


Choose GET.

Default connection

Choose Atlassian API.

REST path




The workspaceId is used to identify your individual instance of Insight. It is retrieved through the following endpoint: https://SITE_NAME.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/insight/workspace.


The qlQuery parameter holds an AQL (Asset Query Language) expression and determines which objects should be fetched. For the sake of the example we set the issue key as ISSUE-1.

object HAVING connectedTickets(key = ISSUE-1)


Add the Execute remote action post function to the desired transition or create a new transition and choose the Expert mode.

Select action

Choose the previous created action which we named Get assets.

Select connection

It is automatically preselected with the default connection value of the selected action.

Update issue fields (optional)

Select the field to be set.

Choose the text custom field to hold the object entry labels.

Set the value manually by using the following parser expression:


This parser expression uses the field code Action response details and JMESPath in order to get the information from the response.

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Execute remote action


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