On this page

Use case

In the following use case it is explained how to add or remove request participants from the field Request participants after executing a transition.


Add the Update or copy field values post function to the desired transition or create a new transition.

Target issue

Choose Current issue


Choose Request participants


In the popup, choose the value Set field value manually (parser expression)

If you want to remove all participants, you can select Clear field value instead and skip the next step.

Use one of the following expressions.

Set the expression editor to Basic text and use any the following expressions depending on your preference.


If you want to overwrite all existing request participants and add a fix set of new participants, use a comma separated list of usernames.

user.one, user.two, user.three

If you want to add a fix set of new participants to the existing ones, use a comma separated list of usernames preceded by a plus + sign.

+ user.four, user.five, user.six

If you use prefix - you will remove this set of users instead of appending them.

If you want to overwrite all existing request participants and add users in a group instead, simply write the name of the group.


If you want to add users in a group to the existing ones, write the name of the group preceded by a plus sign.

+ jira-users

Set the expression editor to Basic text and use any the following expressions depending on your preference.


If you want to set the field with users in a User Picker or Multi User Picker custom field overwriting the existing ones, simply write the field code.


If you want to add users in a User Picker or Multi User Picker custom field to the existing ones, write the field code preceded by a plus + sign.


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Update or copy field values

Parser functionsLinks to all used parser expressions. Enter links separated by a blank space
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