On this page

Use case

This use case consideres the situation of working with two Jira instances. We will use this template to create a link on an issue in one Jira instance which points to another issue in an external Jira instance.


Add theĀ Execute remote action post function to the desired transition or create a new transition.

Create remote action

Select the action to get started. Choose Create an external issue link.

Select connection

Choose an existing connection to the external Jira instance or create a new connection.

Customize your action

Setting the parameters

Issue key

Set it manually using the expression editor as follows:


Link URL

Set it manually using the expression editor as follows by replacing EXTERNAL_JIRA_BASE_URL with your external Jira base URL and EXTISSUE-10 with the external issue key you want to link:


Link title

Set it manually using the expression editor as follows:

External link example

Link type

Set it manually using the expression editor as follows:

template external link

From the used template, you can retrieve the Link ID and save it in any field.

Optionally, you can use the storing results section to save the response body or parts of it into some field.

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Execute remote action


Tech review

Style guide