On this page

Use case

Add watchers to an issue from any field, be it, for example, the Assignee or the Reporter fields.

Using this combination of functions in several transitions will enable you to add several watchers if the user of the field changes, but not to remove them.


Create a default User Picker (multiple users) field, and name it All watchers

Create a global reflexive transition (a transition from any issue to itself).

Add a Update fields post function to any workflow transition but the global reflexive one. The Create issue transition can be a good choice here.

Target issue

Choose Current issue


Choose All watchers


In the popup, choose the value Set field value manually (parser expression)


Enter the following expression:

%{union(union(toStringList(%{issue.cf10001}), toStringList(%{issue.assignee})), toStringList(%{issue.watcher}))

with parsing mode set to General and replace the field code %{issue.cf10001} with the field code for the field All watchers

As it is, the expression will take the value of the Assignee field. It could be changed for the Reporter field or for a custom User Picker field replacing the field code %{issue.assignee} with the one of your choice.

Run as

Choose Current user

Add a Transition issue post function to the same transition as the previous post function.

Target issue*

Select Current issue


Select Execute transition

Select the transition to be executed

Select the global reflexive transition previously created.

Delayed execution

Delay the execution of the post function 1000 milliseconds.

Add a

Source Field

Select All watchers

Destination Field

Select Watchers

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Update fields

Transition issue

Parser functions




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